Hawk Mountain Sanctuary will host its annual Fall Native Plant Sale Sept. 21, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. outside the Visitor Center. The sale will feature close to 100 species of native trees, vines, wildflowers, grasses, and shrubs. The sale is open to the public, and all proceeds benefit Hawk Mountain’s conservation and education programs.
Native plants for sale will include native wildflowers including asters, goldenrods, milkweeds, coneflowers, black-eyed susans and more. Volunteers will be available to advise on finding the perfect plant for any yard. Plants will be organized by habitat — sunny/hot or shady/wet — making it simple to identify which plants will best suit a home landscape. Additionally, the Visitor Center bookstore carries a selection of native plant gardening books for those interested in learning more.
The sale takes place during peak raptor migration season, making it a good time to visit the sanctuary to watch hawks and explore the events taking place. Hawk Mountain Naturalists will be stationed at South Lookout from 9:30 aa.m. to noon for a Broadwing Basics program, sharing raptor identification tips and information about the sanctuary’s ongoing research. Other free programs are also available throughout the day.
Mid-September is also peak migration for the monarch butterfly. The Sanctuary’s Monarch Day event will be taking place the day of the sale. Visitors can learn about monarchs and their conservation, Hawk Mountain’s annual butterfly count and monarch migration data and leave with free milkweed seeds – varieties available while supplies last.
At 5 p.m. there will be a free lecture on bald eagle conservation and its connection to the sanctuary’s long-term raptor count.
Browse all upcoming programs at hawkmountain.org/events.
Source: Berkshire mont
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