Ariana Plevrakis, Sarah Schnatz, Isabella Logozzo, Francesca Ditsky and Maddie Gordos won singles matches to lead Berks Catholic to a 7-0 girls tennis victory over Gov. Mifflin on Tuesday.
Schnatz and Logozzo, and Ditsky and Gordos teamed up to win in doubles.
Wyomissing 4, Blue Mountain 3
Charlett Reedy, Lily Chen, Peyton Carlson and Bella Karchevsky won in singles as Wyomissing scored a 4-3 girls tennis victory over Blue Mountain on Tuesday.
Daniel Boone 3, Cocalico 2
Sarah Shank, Victoria Ortiz and Puttavan Inthaphone won in singles as Daniel Boone scored a 3-2 girls tennis victory over Cocalico on Tueday.
Source: Berkshire mont
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