Hawk Mountain Sanctuary and the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble partnered to present Music on the Mountain, a one-hour presentation of classical selections sharing the inspirational power of music and nature on Sunday, Sept. 8.
“September is the beginning of migration season and is a great chance to explore the lookouts and watch for passing migrant raptors,” Sanctuary President Sean Grace said in the release. “Many guests plan to arrive early and spend some time outdoors before the performance.”
The 2 p.m. concert will be held in the Sanctuary’s accessible amphitheater, an outdoor space featuring chainsaw-carved beams. Guests can enjoy the music while supporting and promoting two Schuylkill County non-profits.
Now in its 35th season, the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble is a Schuylkill County non-profit dedicated to presenting high-quality performances that nurture a diverse community with music that enlivens, enriches, and educates. Performing will be Simon Maurer and Dana Allaband on violin, Agnès Maurer on viola, and Franklin Niño, cello.
Bench seating and limited folding chairs are available in the amphitheater. Seating is limited and is first come, first served. All attendees are welcome to bring their favorite camp or folding chair. Heavy rain cancels.
Following the event, ticketholders may use their program book to redeem a 10% discount in the Mountain Bookstore or $10 off a new Hawk Mountain Membership.
Tickets for $25 include light refreshments and the chance to meet a live raptor and the musicians during a mixer immediately following the event.
To learn more or purchase a ticket, visit www.hawkmountain.org/music.
Source: Berkshire mont
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