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PHRC Asks for Public Comment on Harassment in Education Guidance

from Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission

The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) is asking for the public to provide feedback on its guidance on harassment in education as it relates to discrimination investigations.

The purpose of this guidance is to provide clarity to all Pennsylvanians regarding how the Commission will evaluate harassment and bullying cases resulting from discrimination in education.

“We are asking for input from educators, students, and parents, so we can create reasonable guidance that will protect victims and encourage schools to create a welcoming and safe space for students,” said PHRC Executive Director Chad Dion Lassiter, MSW. “We know the effect bullying and harassment can have on children, and this guidance will help protect students and provide justice to those who experience discrimination.”

“Discrimination can create hostile environments inside our schools, creating a climate of fear that can have serious impacts on the physical and psychological health of students,” said PHRC Education & Outreach Director Desireé Chang. M.S. “We know that harassment and bullying disrupt a student’s education and has a lasting negative impact on their life.”

In issuing this guidance, the Commission reiterates its longstanding position that this guidance is not intended to impose hard and fast rules that must be absolutely applied without regard to the specific facts involved. Nothing in this guidance shall affect statutory or other regulatory requirements.

“This guidance provides a framework the PHRC investigators may use to evaluate discrimination cases involving harassment or bullying,” added PHRC Interim Chief Counsel Morgan Williams, Esq. “PHRC encourages schools to re-evaluate its policies on harassment and bullying in light of this guidance to ensure that students are empowered to report incidents of harassment and bullying and that its programs are ready to provide the appropriate response.”

Discrimination exists in all Pennsylvania communities, and therefore, the PHRC recognizes that this guidance has a widespread impact. We strive to solicit feedback from educators, parents, and impacted community members from all corners of the Commonwealth.

Public comments will be accepted via survey from Aug. 8 through Aug. 29, 2024. Before submitting comments, please access the guidance here and read it in full.

The PHRC offers in-depth trainings and education on discrimination, for more information on requesting training for your school or organization, visit the PHRC website.

The post PHRC Asks for Public Comment on Harassment in Education Guidance appeared first on BCTV.

Source: bctv

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